Discover the latest results of Renta 4 Banco
You can now see and download Renta 4 Bank 2023 annual report
Assets Under Management
Private Clients
CET1 Fully Loaded
Net Income 2024
New assets captured 4Q 2024
Branches in Spain & Latam
Founded in 1986, Renta 4 Banco is the parent company of a group of companies dedicated to the provision of investment services and asset management (the "Renta 4 Group"), configured on the basis of specialization, independence and closeness to the client. as basic principles of all company activity.
On January 2, 2012 Renta 4 began to operate as the first Spanish bank specialized in asset management, capital markets and investment services.
Renta 4 Banco has a "core capital" that amply exceeds the levels required by banking regulation, which allows the entity to maintain a solid position in the banking market.
Renta 4 is listed on the stock exchange since 2007, an operation that has allowed this step to be taken with high levels of solvency.
The Company and its main subsidiaries are headquartered in Madrid. The Group distributes its products and services through its own network and a network of third parties.